Greetings Divas and Gents! And welcome to Friday! Once again, I am grateful for yet another productive work week. I am also grateful, and excited, because I have completed Week Two of the Bridge To 10K program! Give me a second while I do the cabbage patch.......And I'm back! Back to tell you all how it all went down this week. Ready? Let's go!
This Week's Workouts: This week's three workouts consisted of a 5 minute warm up walk...followed by 3 repetitions of 15 minutes running and 1 minute of brisk walking...and concluding with a 5 minute cool down.
Average Workout Time: Each of the three workouts are identical, and take 57 minutes to complete...warm up and cool down included!
The Pro Diva's Reaction: Well...this week was definitely a challenge! I found myself having to play little games with myself while I was running in order to get through it. For example, I would tell myself that I would not look down at the time and distance on the treadmill until the end of each song. Or, I would take a sip of water after every five minutes. Anything to keep myself entertained and keep my mind off the fact that I am running, almost nonstop, for 45 minutes.
I completed the first workout on Sunday afternoon, and this time I did eat breakfast. I was exhausted when I was finished, but I was surprised that I was able to push myself to do it. Now, I can't lie, I was not looking forward to the second workout, but I did finish it on Tuesday after work. Again, this is always a little tough because I an usually exhausted from working all day...but I finished it! Unfortunately, I felt horrible afterwards. I honestly don't think I drank enough water throughout the day, and this contributed to the nausea. I went to the 7 Eleven and got some Gatorade, and I felt better. Finally, I finished the third workout on Thursday after work, and I nailed it! I don't know what it was, but I felt great throughout my run and afterwards. I had learned my lesson after Tuesday, and I was sure to drink a lot of fluids throughout the day. I also think I was fueled by the fact that it was the last workout of the week. Who cares what it was...I finished it!
I completed the first workout on Sunday afternoon, and this time I did eat breakfast. I was exhausted when I was finished, but I was surprised that I was able to push myself to do it. Now, I can't lie, I was not looking forward to the second workout, but I did finish it on Tuesday after work. Again, this is always a little tough because I an usually exhausted from working all day...but I finished it! Unfortunately, I felt horrible afterwards. I honestly don't think I drank enough water throughout the day, and this contributed to the nausea. I went to the 7 Eleven and got some Gatorade, and I felt better. Finally, I finished the third workout on Thursday after work, and I nailed it! I don't know what it was, but I felt great throughout my run and afterwards. I had learned my lesson after Tuesday, and I was sure to drink a lot of fluids throughout the day. I also think I was fueled by the fact that it was the last workout of the week. Who cares what it was...I finished it!
In sum, Week Two was more challenging than Week One, but it is totally doable! Two weeks down, 4 to go! Also, I want to thank all of you who have decided to join me on this journey and offering words of support and motivation. I really do appreciate your comments! Keep 'em coming!
Next Week: Next week's three workouts will consist of a 5 minute warm up walk...followed by 3 repetitions of 17 minutes running and 1 minute of brisk walking...and concluding with a 5 minute cool down. If the good Lord sees fit, I'll be back here next week to share my thoughts. I hope to see you back here too!
Quick question: How many of you have started your Couch To 5K or Bridge To 10K program? Please share your thoughts with us in the Comments below! Thanks in advance!
Quick question: How many of you have started your Couch To 5K or Bridge To 10K program? Please share your thoughts with us in the Comments below! Thanks in advance!
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