Welcome to 2014 Divas! I don't know about you all, but I am excited about all of the blessing I have coming my way in 2014. I am excited about all of the goals I have set for myself, both professionally and personally, in 2014. I am excited about all of the plans I have for the Chronicles in 2014. And guess what...I am excited for all of the great things that will happen to and for you all in 2014...in fact, I'm claiming it for you! Before I forget, I want to thank all of you for your continued support of the Chronicles. I thank you for being a part of something that means a great deal to me. I hope that you will continue to follow my professional and personal journeys in 2014.
Now that I've gotten that off of my proverbial chest, please join me in checking out that which has become a traditional on the Martini Chronicles. I present to you my list of 10 Things Every Professional Diva Should Do for Herself in 2014. Enjoy!
1. Focus on Your Overall Health - Do you all know the number one New Year's resolution? I'll give you 3 guesses, but you'll only need 1. The number one New Year's resolution is to lose weight. Surprise! I have long done away with this resolution, mainly because I think it is short-sighted. This year, focus on your overall health, which allows you to focus on eating better foods and getting more exercise in order to improve your health. It also allows you to reduce or nix other vices that may be damaging your health, like habitual smoking and excessive drinking (both are also common resolutions!). Further, focus on establishing and maintaining great relationships with your medical team, and obtaining certain health screenings for common health ailments that affect women. This year, make it a point to get the necessary screenings, including, but not limited to, a breast examination and/or mammogram, and a pelvic examination. Check out this great Infograph of health screenings women should have in their 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s.
2. Buy an Expensive Pair of Shoes - Why? Because every hard-working women deserves an expensive pair of shoes. Somehow I feel like I don't need to push this point any further...
3. Read the News Every Day - Boss Lady, my mom, watches the news all the time....all the time! She watches everything from CNN to the Eyewitness News to New York 1. She watches the news for hours upon hours...same news stories told by different people...hours upon hours. My siblings and I are always picking at her because of this. We walk in the room and turn the channel from the news just to hear her fuss...we're raggedy! As much as we laugh at Boss Lady's obsession with the news, one thing is clear: she always knows what's going on! Which means she can probably walk into any networking event or business dinner and hold a conversation on a variety of topics. She is informed. She may not care about every story, but at least she is informed. In 2014, let's take a cue from Boss Lady and read and/or watch the news every day. Catch one round of the news in the morning before work, or in the evening after work. Set aside a few minutes throughout the day to log on to your favorite news site, either online or on your mobile device. Pick up a newspaper and read it on your bus or train ride to work...tabloids don't count! Be informed; know what is going on in your city, state, nation, and the world.
4. Learn How to Play Golf - I have been an advocate of business women learning how to golf ever since having lunch with a seasoned colleague a few years ago. In discussing reasons why professional women are too often left out in the cold when business deals are made, my colleague noted that many professional men bond over golf. Specifically, she said that a good number of business deals are made over a round of golf, and women who do not golf lose their place at the table. This year, don't lose your place at the table. Take some golf lessons! I'm not saying that you need to be the next Stacy Lewis, but know the rules and be able to play the game. Remember that golfing season start during the late spring/early summer, so get your lessons in soon.
5. Find a Fun Way to Relax Regularly - By now it is no secret that I am on a never ending quest to find different activities that are relaxing to me and my fellow Professional Divas. It is so easy for us to feel overworked and overwhelmed, which is not good for our health or our sanity! So in 2014, I encourage you ladies to find a fun activity to help you relax regularly. Maybe it's a weekly hot yoga class. Maybe it's a bi-weekly spinning class. How about a monthly massage. Pick something, and make it your business to keep your appointment. No excuses!
6. Learn a New Language - Learning a new language is a fantastic way to educate and better yourself. And you are making yourself more marketable at the same time. Double win! So head over to Rosetta Stone...or take a night class...or head to the book store and pick up some materials. However you do it, just do it!
7. Go to One Networking Event Each Month - This may seem like a lot for some of you, but you will be surprised how many connections you can make by attending at least one networking event per month. It can be an event specific to your profession, which may allow you to generate business or to get your name out there. Or it can be an event where like-minded professionals are gathering, like a medical association conference or an alumni association event. Maybe it's a community service event for your favorite local charity. Professional conferences are also a great way to network and educate yourself in your field. And they may be a great way establish yourself as an expert in your field and pick up speaking engagements. So suck it up, get your business cards ready, and head to some great networking events this year.
8. Learn How to Pick Out a Good Bottle of Wine - During my Divas' Holiday Wish List series, I suggested as a gift idea an "introduction to wine" book and a 12-month subscription to a wine club. This gift idea was inspired by a colleague of mine who was at a networking event where the topic of conversation was wine. She told me that she felt out of sorts because she wasn't a wine aficionado. The next day, she went to Barnes & Noble to pick up a few introduction to wine books, and she bought a subscription to a monthly wine club. Not only is this a good idea because you educate yourself on a topic that often comes up when chit-chatting at networking events, but it is also useful when picking out a good bottle of wine during a business dinner. Every Diva should know how to do so. Why? Because you don't want to be a deer in the headlights when your business dinner companion asks you to pick out a bottle. I'm not saying you need to be a sommelier, but at least have the basics down so that you are not caught out there.
9. Mentor a Prospective Professional - The Martini Chronicles is full of information that I have received not only by being an actual professional, but also information that I have received from my mentors. The primary purpose of the Chronicles has always been to share this information with my fellow professionals and prospective professionals, and to provide a forum for us to discuss issues that we encounter as professionals. While I love blogging here, I realize that I also need to pay it forward by personally mentoring prospective professionals...and so I do! Sometimes formally, and sometimes informally. My plea for my fellow Professional Divas is to find a young, prospective Professional Diva and mentor her. Share the wisdom that you have gathered during your years as a professional. Help her to prepare a proper cover letter and resume. Show her what she should wear when heading out to an interview. Teach her the proper way to negotiate her salary. Be a mentor! Besides, men do it all the time...I'm just saying!
10. Join the Martini Chronicles Community - This, of course, is a shameless plug to check out my blog! Believe me when I say that you do not want to miss all of the fabulousness that will be going on this year on the Martini Chronicles. Subscribe to the Chronicles by entering your email to receive every post in your inbox. Also, don’t forget to LIKE the Chronicles on Facebook, show me some Bloglovin, and follow me on Twitter (@TheProDiva).
Have a wonderful and prosperous 2014!
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