Winter Makeup Inventory!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Greetings Divas! Let's talk makeup! A few weeks ago, I executed a complete overhaul of my makeup case. I threw out products that were old and expired, and I purchased new items to replace them. I even purchased a new set of makeup brushes...mine were getting a little old. So what prompted this makeup purge? Well, I like to take inventory of my makeup twice each year: once in the Spring, and once in the fall. Guess what...I forget to take inventory both times last year (gasp!). But wait...let me explain! Last year was super busy for me both at work and at home, and I just...forgot! Now, I don't want you all to think that I was using old makeup all year; I just purchased new items when the old ones ran out. But I still had a bunch of expired products that were still hanging around past their shelf life. 

If you are a veteran Chronicles reader, you know that I am a true believer in maintaining a fresh and clean makeup bag. I like to take good care of my skin, and using old and expired makeup can adversely affect the health of our skin and eyes (the worst offender by far is old mascara). As such, I needed to right my wrong and get rid of my old makeup. And that's what I did!

In the spirit of maintaining our health and youth, we should all take regular inventory and toss out old makeup that may be damaging to our skin and eyes. Here are a few tips to ensure that your makeup case is fresh:

1. Commit to taking inventory of your makeup in alternating seasons (i.e. Summer and Winter, or Fall and Spring).

2. Once you toss out your old makeup, make a list of the replacement products you need and head out to your favorite department store and/or pharmacy to snag them.

3. Make a note of when you purchased the new product and give it an expiration date based on its shelf life. Using stickers or a marker to make expiration labels are easy options.

And now for the shelf life list! Here are the shelf lives of the most common types of makeup

Foundation (Oil Free) – 1 Year
Foundation (Cream or Compact) – 1½ Years
Concealer – 1 Year
Powder – 1½ to 2 Years
Blush – 1½ to 2 Years
Eye Shadow – 1½ to 2 Years
Mascara – 3 Months
Eyeliner – 1½ to 2 Years
Lipstick – 1½ to 2 Years
Lip Liner – 1½ to 2 Years
Lip Gloss – 1½ Years

Be well Divas!

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